ARCHIVER – Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments – will introduce significant improvements in the area of archiving and digital preservation services, supporting the IT requirements of European scientists and providing end-to-end archival and preservation services, cost-effective for data generated in the petabyte range with high, sustained ingest rates, in the context of scientific research projects.
The project is managed by a consortium of procurer research organisations (CERN, DESY, EMBL-EBI and PIC) and experts (Addestino and Trust-IT) and receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
This Open Market Consultation (OMC) event is organised by PIC with the support of the Catalonia Trade & Investment Agency (ACCIÓ) and Europe Entreprise Network (EEN).
The event is targeted to potential bidders and open to end-users.
During this event, companies will assess the innovation potential to address the Buyers Group use-cases. The event will be moderated by a partner of the ARCHIVER consortium (Addestino) using a planning poker technique in order to estimate effort, value and risk.
The results obtained on the Open Market Consultation will serve as a base of the Tender specifications to be published in October 2019.