The experiments to which PIC gives resources and support need more and more network bandwidth every day. For this reason, we started two years ago to plan the migration to a 200Gbps network connection that today finally was applied. We multiplied by 10 our network capacity by updating also our internal network by adding more redundancy and better monitoring.
The implemented solution is based on Arista devices and the migration process has been done with the collaboration of SATEC. We really would like to thank them for their help.
The update was possible with the funding for the acquisition of technical equipment for science of the national program for infrastructures and technical equipment for science (national plan i+d+i 2017-2020) from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, for the project Ref. EQC2019-006020-P: “Actualización de la infraestructura de red para mejora de los servicios de datos multi-disciplinares en el PIC”.